Thursday, October 2, 2008

Snake post mirrior.

A Tale of Two snakes | The Bizarre

Because this snake is cold blooded, he's not going to have to eat again for a very long time.

And since he ate his(?) victim face first, it probably smothered in short order.

And his victim was a snake, a predator himself.

My point?

Humans are warm blooded, Thus we eat more often by like a factor of 10(?).

We only recently started killing what we eat quickly. For a long time it was spears and running till you bleed to death. In fact we're pretty famous for torturing our food, ask any animal rights group or anthropologist.

We eat plants and prey animals, and almost never predators. Since when did our food have a chance to eat us back? The Ice Age?


This snake is more just then our entire species since it's capable of living on the proceeds of infrequent, fair, quick fights.

I see a magnificent organism, and probably it would look on us with the same horror and revulsion expressed here.

Thank you.