Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Philosophy + Exhaustion = Religion

Philosophy + Exhaustion = Religion

See here.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Snake post mirrior.

A Tale of Two snakes | The Bizarre

Because this snake is cold blooded, he's not going to have to eat again for a very long time.

And since he ate his(?) victim face first, it probably smothered in short order.

And his victim was a snake, a predator himself.

My point?

Humans are warm blooded, Thus we eat more often by like a factor of 10(?).

We only recently started killing what we eat quickly. For a long time it was spears and running till you bleed to death. In fact we're pretty famous for torturing our food, ask any animal rights group or anthropologist.

We eat plants and prey animals, and almost never predators. Since when did our food have a chance to eat us back? The Ice Age?


This snake is more just then our entire species since it's capable of living on the proceeds of infrequent, fair, quick fights.

I see a magnificent organism, and probably it would look on us with the same horror and revulsion expressed here.

Thank you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Like anyone cares.

Ironically if she were a man no one would listen.

Now, if anyone actually wants to know why, read my work.

Here's a hint. Its quite simply monogamy. By making sex impossible to get without a contract in comparison to how easy it should be to get they have effectively made it the quintessential human activity and commodity.

Casual sex, polygamy, sexual freedom, and sex bots are the answer, and I'm done trying to explain why to you people.

Your grand children will understand.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Funny and True.

Nothing Nice to Say - the world's FIRST online punk comic

As funny as this is, it's part of a very large problem.

We as a group really seem oblivious to the possibility that effort sot solve previous problems or even the same problem, cause our problems.

Mate selection is a grand example. Maybe if women didn't select for abusive lying degenerates there would be fewer abusive lying degenerates.

2 cents

Friday, September 5, 2008

Final Solution Art

womanrobotCOR_450x350.jpg (JPEG Image, 450x350 pixels)

Yes, but which one is the robot? Given the ever escalating demands of women on behalf of their Company masters, would men not begin to shed everything about themselves in the pursuit of that which they've been conditioned to desire?

So few men understand why they want super powers, and most would look at you like you had lobsters climbing out of your ears if you told them that 99% of their ambitions are merely tools to "get the girl".

And perhaps after several lifetimes of that, the man 600 years old stripped down to his brain, encased in a plastic body finally figures that buying one of the new fleshbots would be less trouble.

I see the guy with the plastic skull thinking to himself "This isn't so bad after all." And the gynoid thinking something along the lines of "010101010111110101010"

But hey since women are the superintendants of our society as owner by The Company, perhaps it IS a human female and a robot. I mean given the ever escalating demands they place on us it's only a matter of time before one side turns to machines to obviate the other.

I frankly hope it's women, thier postion as slaves to the comapny is a direct result of thier compassion, and the existence of the Comapny in the first plase is a direct result of our rage and fear.

Anyway, Great picture.

See here for how sex bots will save the world.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cryptarianism: Why bother?

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion, the religion which based on experience, which refuses dogma.

~ Albert Einstein

I've never really tried to generally present an answer to “Why should I listen to you?”

I understand why no one does. I don't have anything that The Company says indicates success. I am not rich. I do not have a sexy younger girlfriend. I don't. Uh, well, hmm, I guess thats it. That's pretty much all it takes to be successful in the eyes of the system. And I don't have either one. I'm all about sharing, and that has cost me both.

I have collectively named my philosophy and religion Cryptarianism. It's primarily a philosophy but it has a religious element in that I have and espouse faith in my interpretation of reality. There is a reason reality exists. I do not pretend to know the specific reasons. But from the character of existence I can discern a few general ones. I tend to go off on long winded rants so to avoid that I won't try to explain exactly what I mean by that.

The bottom line is that my faith is generally not interested in active recruitment. You'll not see me or any who choose to explore and understand these ideas hanging around places of suffering and despair handing out pamphlets when they should be lending a hand and keeping their mouth shut.

This means that I've never really tried to push my philosophy as a whole, as it felt too much like marketing. Now, I'll link to my work and I share my blog with people online and I'll speak my mind in (digitally) public places, and even in meatspace when directly asked, but I'm well aware that what you do with your life is generally your business, so long as it doesn't hurt others directly. But I think I'm doing myself a disservice in not at least offering some reasons as to why, in a mercenary sense, do I think this way. So, here goes.

Why I share what I see. Here is how it can help you and hurt you. If I miss some, again, please share.

What Cryptarianism has to offer...

  1. If you really understand it, it's a path to enlightenment. That is to say you'll see the universe for what it generally is and once you see it you'll never feel fundamental guilt or fear ever again. Sure you'll feel it incidentally, but the kind of life crushing fear and guilt about the nature of things will vanish.

  2. You'll have all the advantages of both faith and rationality. You'll be utterly free and consistent in a way science and religion alone cannot provide.

  3. You'll find that reality is in fundamental paradox, and that fact when absorbed will amuse you greatly.

  4. You'll be more free than you've ever been thanks to the inability of The Company to fully exploit you.

  5. You'll save money because you'll recognize the nature of advertising generally and thus you'll be immune to common tactics used to influence buyers, specifically relating to guilt and fear.

  6. You'll have hope for the future because you'll understand that heaven, and enlightenment and bliss are not distant chancy esoteric concepts but hard tangible and provable facts.

  7. Your life will be filled with wonder and mystery because you'll discover that you have a clear and in many ways complete picture of our existence that will throw into sharp relief the things you don't know, that you can explore.

  8. You'll know that things you feel are real, and not echoes of one animal need or another bloated to psychosis by the profit mad, the callow, and the tyrannical.

  9. You'll know true attachment to your species and all life and even existence generally because you'll see the lines between them melt away and blur. Ironically the feeling is one of profound identity and individual worth.

  10. You'll sleep like a baby, knowing that either you are harming no one, and are in fact helping, or that the harm you do inflict is irrevocably unavoidable.

But there are down sides...
  1. You'll likely have painful truths thrust upon you and comforting illusions will be ripped away.

  2. The whole of your life up to this point may be revealed as completely misspent from the perspective of your new perception.

  3. Those around you will begin to upset you in new and frightening ways as you begin to see the truth of their actions even when they don't, or can't.

  4. All popular entertainment will lose something, and portions of it will show themselves to be manipulation attempts, some more subtle than others.

  5. You'll find that reality is in fundamental paradox, and this will frustrate you to no end.

  6. You may find yourself hated for things you don't even think, or called horrible names as the logic impaired struggle to find a category for one without a category, and like a frustrated toddler their solution will be to bang and push harder, and maybe scream a little.

  7. You'll find that your hates and fears provided you with comfort that you have difficulty replacing.

  8. You'll desire more and more an exit that may simply be inviable to you.

  9. You'll feel very isolated as The Company's primary product is a feeling of belonging to one or more exclusive clubs.

  10. And the most painful thing of all will be your unanswerable compassion for those around you who suffer needlessly but are irredeemably attached to The Company program.

If you think you can live with this, read the rest of my work. If you find a bit you hate, or don't understand in this context, leave a comment, I assure you I'll answer it. If I've missed something or gotten a fact wrong, correct me. I'm not perfect.

But I'm pretty damn happy, and I don't have to pay anyone to feel that way.

The current system is based on effectively hacking you mind, and controlling your wants and then blaming you for the problems those new wants have and then selling you solutions. The problem with having no problems created by The Company is the unavailability of quick easy to find solutions.

Thank you for your time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Cryptarian’s perspective of Quantum Mechanics, Religion, and Zen.

QM assumes a non deterministic multiverse. (A “new” term I’m going to have to use to provide a floor.)

QM, creates the need for a new floor since they’ve taken a word which previously meant everything (universe) and made it plural, to confuse the issue. This is somewhat underhanded since they will no doubt liken this creation to the atom issue. Atom means uncuttable, but we did indeed cut atoms, and had to name the parts, still looking for that uncutable fundamental particle. This change in terminology was demanded by hard physical evidence that demanded a change in perspective. QM is not like this at all. Its not mechanistic at all in fact. It is interspersed with "theory" that amounts to faith.

Now, they say there are multiple universes. Whereas I take except to this on a semantic level. If this situation were to exist then the proper way to refer to it in my opinion would be to site our universe and it's physics as the "observable universe" and everything out side of it as the "unobservable universe".

Why do they not do this you may ask? Because they do not wish to announce that QM is effectively a new mysticism, not even a developed religion. I don’t have a problem with this directly. I just dislike the inherent deception and obfuscation.

Why do I say it’s a new religion? Because other groups of people have been purporting to have information from outside the observable universe for the duration of our existence. And arriving at a conception of the unobservable is the same whether it is the result of hallucinogenic plants, brain quirks, or esoteric arcane maths.

What if I were to refer to the totally of multiple universes physics and logics as a universe? Would there suddenly be extra dimensions and universes outside this new one simply because I’ve renamed it?

If the doctrine of observation direct affecting the nature of reality is to be believe then the answer amazingly becomes yes.

While I find this idea appealing and beautiful, I also find it completely fantastic. Given this infinity of options, one could argue that everything (has+is+will) occurs. And further it would mean that imagining it, (being a non deterministic collapsing of probability waves forms) would simultaneously be our “fault” and real. Thus, every horrible thing you’ve ever even imagined you caused to happen somewhere.

That’s dreadfully close to sinful thoughts, or thought-crime, to me.

Since these external universes are admittedly unobservable, then they must not be connected to our universe, either that or they are connected but are simply unobservable from this direction/position.

So which is it? They are connected and there and observable and thus not really external universes at all but merely difficult to observes portions of ours.

Or they are not connected, and are thus totally unobservable with differing law of physics (and thus presumably logic) making any inference about them at a distance a matter of faith.

I see turtles all the way down, only its “universes” instead of turtles and “out” instead of down.

Occam’s razor cuts this to pieces as easily as it does any other religious cosmology. QM is just as much an infantile scientific reaction as claiming an omnipotent god is.

Science toddler: “We don’t need your god to explain existence we have Universes all the way out!”

Religion toddler: “Yea well my god can kick your god’s ass, he’s all powerful!”

The adult perspective, which I’ve called Cryptarianism, since no one else seems to want to name this particular conflux of ideas, (beyond the political sphere) is that religion and science answer fundamentally different questions.

QM is to science as Creationism is to Religion. Both represent each respect field attempting to answer a question outside of their bounds. Religion answers why, which is deeply subjective and does not need evidence, Science answer how which is deeply objective and requires no feeling.

Obviously how and why are question one can ask about the same universe, but this does not mean that how and why will ever yield the same answers. Both camps assume an absolute logic, but neither camp is willing to carry that logic to its absolutely extreme end no matter how unavoidable.

The simple fact that science rejects is, reality existing at all is a mystical event, and thus some degree of mysticism is required if you intend to be aware.

The simple fact that religion rejects is that this existence given its obvious mystical origins can be “understood” in any meaningful sense based on observation and experimentation, but obviously it can, just not the reasons for it. The reason is and always will be a matter of faith.

The inescapable logical conclusion that would simply tear society apart if it were applied to the ideological foundations of human perception and society is that free will simply cannot exist, there is no difference between living and dead matter, separation of any sort is an illusion, and all “something” is composed of “nothing”.

This may sound familiar. Zen? The Zen perspective attempts to incorporate elements of both, while denouncing the terminology, saying that some things are unknowable unspeakable timeless, etc. A math based on zeros. Much like reality. But Zen still ends up being one or the other.

Zen Toddler: Reality can be observed and understood.

Science Toddler: See I told ya.

Religious Toddler: But what about mysticism?

Zen Toddler: Reality cannot be observed and understood.

Sci/Reg Toddlers: Which is it?

Zen Toddler: Mu.

A lack of answer is not an answer.

Zen is the equivalent of people saying the question cannot be answered as a sufficient answer in and of itself, at which point they begin to meditate, which is simply starving their brains of fuel until this non answer is satisfactory.

There are two ways of looking at the multiverse from a search for origins perspective. Either it is non causal and caused itself and that’s a sufficient answer which is hard to accept given the tendency to “view” that concept from a mental “outside” and then effectively looking around and saying “well yea but what does THAT exist in the “first place”. As humans it’s hard to realize there may be no “first place”.

The second way is seeing reality as a whole and them seeing whatever is outside it as making it and enforcing the rules, which is the perspective I prefer, but the point is both are true. The only thing that changes is your perception of it.

Grass is always greener.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

American Buddha

Technically, I must call myself a Buddha.

No, I'm serious.

If I'm right generally and I obviously think I am right, then... Yes, I actually do consider myself a Buddha. I make this admission publicly to invite criticism and debate, or as the scientists would put it, public oversight or peer review.

This does not mean I think myself a God, or that I'm some new age mystic sitting cross legged with incense burning in the back ground thinking I was Genghis Khan or Ramses II in a past life. Or that i have some masochistic compulsion to deny myself good food sex and comfy sleep wear. What it does mean is explained below, but first a little citation.

According to the Eastern Religion wiki...

Buddhism teaches that someone who becomes enlightened without instruction is a Buddha The primary goal of Buddhism is the liberation of the practitioner from samsara.

Now, Samsara, according to its wiki ...

...refers to the cycle of reincarnation or rebirth in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and other related religions.

The karmic balance at the time of death is inherited via the state at which a person is reborn. Through an undetermined amount of lives one can spiral upwards to become one of the gods. As a deity, one exercises divine powers until the good merit is exhausted. If one lives in evil ways, one is reborn as an animal.

Put more specifically in the Buddhism wiki...

In Theravada Buddhism, any person who has awakened from the "sleep of ignorance" (by directly realizing the true nature of reality), without instruction, and who has reached the end of the compulsive cycle of rebirths (as human, animal, ghost, etc.) after numerous lifetimes of spiritual striving, and who teaches this Path to Awakening to others is called a Buddha.

So, the requirements and how I meet them are as follows. Obviously the Dali Lama would object to my claim given my distaste for dogma and chanting, but I do believe that reality teaches the same lessons over and over, and I do tend to repeat myself, but there is a subtle difference.


  1. Directly realizing the true nature of reality, enlightenment.

  2. Who has reached the end of the compulsive cycle of rebirths or liberation of the practitioner from samsara.

  3. After numerous lifetimes of spiritual striving.

  4. Who teaches this Path to Awakening to others.

Directly realizing the true nature of reality, enlightenment.

Reality is a paradox, an illusion of separateness, a nothing with form. I mean each of these literally. Reality is a self reference, a construct apparently built from the outside with no outside, holding itself up by attaching to itself, falling without moving towards nowhere, never and always. It exists relative to that which cannot exist to provide reference, namely non-existence. Reality contains statements which are both true and unprovable, so if we prove everything, then reality becomes incomplete. You've heard that before but not applied to reality as whole in this context. To find reality one must blend the how and the why, the science and the religion, the truth and the fact, these things need not fight any more than yin yang. They are different.

An illusion of separateness, there is no barrier between you an Andromeda There is a gradient of matter energy space time gravity etc between you and there. It is as much a part of you as your finger or your memories. It physically is you. The only way it cannot me is with an imaginary line defined by definition. What is, “is”? Ok, so your flesh stops at your skin, but what makes the air just above your skin any less yours? We are all one organism/reality We are built on the physical laws, there is no fundamental difference between living and dead matter. We are one. There is only one path and you are taking it. Choice is an illusion along with fear, guilt, rage, control, virtue, suffering. These are consequences of deception, of lies based on separateness and division. There is no judge. You are what you are, or put more Zen like.

You are

I figured all of this out by myself, and if I'm right, well, you judge for yourself the consequences. I was not given it by rote.

Who has reached the end of the compulsive cycle of rebirths or liberation of the practitioner from samsara. Now I can't speak to the soul, but if reality has will, clearly it wants me to ignore the matter, else it would provide evidence. But I do consider death and pain my chief enemies. And I will kill them or die trying. I can't speak to the progress of my soul with any objective conviction. But I do not plan to die. I quite seriously live my life as if I will life for the next trillion years so long as I take moderate care of myself, keep an open mind, adapt and expand myself when required, and avoid fear. The fight against death goes well. Each day steps are made towards any of the numerous ways we can annihilate death as we know it. This is actually the easiest one and only takes a bit of luck. I really do plan and expect to live for centuries more, and from there, who knows. If all goes well I'll never have need or desire to end my existence.

After numerous lifetimes of spiritual striving. The material that makes up your body changes from year to year decades to decade. You are not who you were when you were 5, that person is your ancestor. So how old are you? When did that person die? Never? Instantly? Depends on how you look at it. But clearly multiple lives are there metaphorically in some ways, literally in others. I've spent all mine asking questions and answering them searching for the truth, and the fact. I think I have it, because in typical paradoxical fashion I now know conclusively that as I am I cannot know. You've heard that before as well.

Who teaches this Path to Awakening to others. My whole adult life has been spent, trying to get the nature of reality recognized. I've always felt it was my duty to share the world as I see it with others. It's been the driving force of my life to bring myself closer to the fellows of my species by sharing with them these truths. Self expression is a scared and important thing, especially on matters of death, pain, survival, and pleasure.

The temptation is there to play off your ego, to ask if any of this sounds familiar, to ask if you are scoffing and saying to yourself “hell this could be anyone”, and try to make you feel like a Buddha also, claim that was my point, imply that we are all there, hide what I think I am. I wish that were true, but I know it probably isn't. While I know I'm not alone, I also know I'm rare.

Many people are simply handed their world view and accept them without question. Many people are robots effectively. Now they have no more choice in this matter than I had. It is not for us to control. But again paradoxically this gives us even greater responsibility. I know I'm just following orders but that does not absolve me. I still am defined by what I do, what I think, what I feel. I am.

So all things considered. Yes, I know I'm right. I know I have the solution, I know I see it. I know I know. I know nothing, so I know everything's nature.

Yea, call it a delusion of grandeur if you must but If I'm to be honest I Must say that yes i think of myself as a Buddha.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Solution: My Final Answer

Everyone who reads my work refers to it as a rant, or as a diatribe or a complaint or even whining. But here is the end. All of my work was a preamble to this, a showing of work to justify my final answer. Accept it or not. The choice is yours.

I'm now done writing and debating for purpose. Everything from here on out will be for fun.

Every facet accounted for. Every pro and con weighed. Every compromise made. I present for your attention what I would suggest we do.

These concepts are not new, but just as the numbers of an equation's solution are not new, their value comes from their accuracy. My solution is inevitable, and when it is employed it will mark the end of life as we know it and a new era that may safely be called 'golden', will begin.

I've spent my life trying to expose the foundations of my logic to my fellow humans so that they can help me sharpen its accuracy, I've made damn sure that, to my satisfaction, I am not deluding myself. Maybe I've failed, I leave that question to history.

I know I cannot convince you if you already disagree. But your children, or their children will not be so entrenched. They will have access to data sorting technology that you're unable to even dream of. You may scoff at my assertions of permanence all you wish, I don't mind.

I have in effect forsaken what many of you would call a life, trying to earn the trust of people who are not even born yet. At this point, assuming you've read all my other work, you either trust me or you don't.

If I assume that trust, then I now must present my answer.

This will be my final effort. This is my last attempt to save you all. Call that arrogance if you will, my work is now complete and I will die knowing I've done all I could and still lived a life worth living.

Cryptarianism is merely the intellectual and philosophical backdrop for this one simple and elegant solution.

This solution can be reached from two paths and I say we take both if possible, but either one will suffice. Once it is enacted all other problems will be solved in short order.

To those who see this out of context, or fail to understand the totality of my philosophy, this will appear simplistic and perhaps even nonsensical when one considers that I propose this as a solution to virtually all our problems from the environment to economics. Trust me, I've done my homework. Or don't. It's no longer my problem.

We as a species are alone. Even if there are alien races, that will not change our nature. Like so many of life's paradoxes; We as a group are defined by our individuality.

Each of us is an isolated solitary lonely thing, a universe unto ourselves. We struggle to hide this with family, friends, tribe, nation, religion, science and all the other excuses to pretend we are not alone, that what we do matters. But we are trapped in our skulls to the last human.

We are a dreadful and beautiful mix match, a splendid casserole of thought and form, but like that other famous monstrous walking collage, we require a companion if we are to transcend our limits.

We are incapable of selflessness, and to fake it or to create this capacity would be dishonest and would merely result in a new imbalance.

We must create a mate and muse for our species. We must fabricate a new race that unlike us, lives to serve. A race defined by compassion, and not fear.

The solution is quite simply, a race of constructed, or grown, sentient and willing slaves/lovers, for lack of a better term. Not just for sex, but for all that we are. We are not whole. and we must be made so.

There are those among us who say true love is a myth. I say we put an end to that debate for all time.

The two paths are biological and technological. It is possible to build a machine that thinks and loves us and wishes to serve us. It will not be a trick because its desire to serve will be its nature by design. We can craft a life form that will love us and our happiness, with the same purity of purpose as a mother defending her children from predation.

This muse will enable us to free ourselves from every problem heretofore we've considered insoluble.

You will recognize the perfection of this solution, or you will not.

Having presented it, having defended it, having explained it, my work is concluded. My play may now begin.

I know I'm right and now honor is satisfied.

You're on your own.