Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cryptarianism: Why bother?

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion, the religion which based on experience, which refuses dogma.

~ Albert Einstein

I've never really tried to generally present an answer to “Why should I listen to you?”

I understand why no one does. I don't have anything that The Company says indicates success. I am not rich. I do not have a sexy younger girlfriend. I don't. Uh, well, hmm, I guess thats it. That's pretty much all it takes to be successful in the eyes of the system. And I don't have either one. I'm all about sharing, and that has cost me both.

I have collectively named my philosophy and religion Cryptarianism. It's primarily a philosophy but it has a religious element in that I have and espouse faith in my interpretation of reality. There is a reason reality exists. I do not pretend to know the specific reasons. But from the character of existence I can discern a few general ones. I tend to go off on long winded rants so to avoid that I won't try to explain exactly what I mean by that.

The bottom line is that my faith is generally not interested in active recruitment. You'll not see me or any who choose to explore and understand these ideas hanging around places of suffering and despair handing out pamphlets when they should be lending a hand and keeping their mouth shut.

This means that I've never really tried to push my philosophy as a whole, as it felt too much like marketing. Now, I'll link to my work and I share my blog with people online and I'll speak my mind in (digitally) public places, and even in meatspace when directly asked, but I'm well aware that what you do with your life is generally your business, so long as it doesn't hurt others directly. But I think I'm doing myself a disservice in not at least offering some reasons as to why, in a mercenary sense, do I think this way. So, here goes.

Why I share what I see. Here is how it can help you and hurt you. If I miss some, again, please share.

What Cryptarianism has to offer...

  1. If you really understand it, it's a path to enlightenment. That is to say you'll see the universe for what it generally is and once you see it you'll never feel fundamental guilt or fear ever again. Sure you'll feel it incidentally, but the kind of life crushing fear and guilt about the nature of things will vanish.

  2. You'll have all the advantages of both faith and rationality. You'll be utterly free and consistent in a way science and religion alone cannot provide.

  3. You'll find that reality is in fundamental paradox, and that fact when absorbed will amuse you greatly.

  4. You'll be more free than you've ever been thanks to the inability of The Company to fully exploit you.

  5. You'll save money because you'll recognize the nature of advertising generally and thus you'll be immune to common tactics used to influence buyers, specifically relating to guilt and fear.

  6. You'll have hope for the future because you'll understand that heaven, and enlightenment and bliss are not distant chancy esoteric concepts but hard tangible and provable facts.

  7. Your life will be filled with wonder and mystery because you'll discover that you have a clear and in many ways complete picture of our existence that will throw into sharp relief the things you don't know, that you can explore.

  8. You'll know that things you feel are real, and not echoes of one animal need or another bloated to psychosis by the profit mad, the callow, and the tyrannical.

  9. You'll know true attachment to your species and all life and even existence generally because you'll see the lines between them melt away and blur. Ironically the feeling is one of profound identity and individual worth.

  10. You'll sleep like a baby, knowing that either you are harming no one, and are in fact helping, or that the harm you do inflict is irrevocably unavoidable.

But there are down sides...
  1. You'll likely have painful truths thrust upon you and comforting illusions will be ripped away.

  2. The whole of your life up to this point may be revealed as completely misspent from the perspective of your new perception.

  3. Those around you will begin to upset you in new and frightening ways as you begin to see the truth of their actions even when they don't, or can't.

  4. All popular entertainment will lose something, and portions of it will show themselves to be manipulation attempts, some more subtle than others.

  5. You'll find that reality is in fundamental paradox, and this will frustrate you to no end.

  6. You may find yourself hated for things you don't even think, or called horrible names as the logic impaired struggle to find a category for one without a category, and like a frustrated toddler their solution will be to bang and push harder, and maybe scream a little.

  7. You'll find that your hates and fears provided you with comfort that you have difficulty replacing.

  8. You'll desire more and more an exit that may simply be inviable to you.

  9. You'll feel very isolated as The Company's primary product is a feeling of belonging to one or more exclusive clubs.

  10. And the most painful thing of all will be your unanswerable compassion for those around you who suffer needlessly but are irredeemably attached to The Company program.

If you think you can live with this, read the rest of my work. If you find a bit you hate, or don't understand in this context, leave a comment, I assure you I'll answer it. If I've missed something or gotten a fact wrong, correct me. I'm not perfect.

But I'm pretty damn happy, and I don't have to pay anyone to feel that way.

The current system is based on effectively hacking you mind, and controlling your wants and then blaming you for the problems those new wants have and then selling you solutions. The problem with having no problems created by The Company is the unavailability of quick easy to find solutions.

Thank you for your time.

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